The God’s light in his justice is me,
And the vile Satan in his lie is me,
As Satan is the worst God’s creature,
So there is my sin tormenting me.
Love is a god whom we are in fire in,
And death is a god whom we are going to.
And if life is that we are creating,
Every creature is only a mind’s mist.
God creates the heaven spheres music
By his dictation in my thoughts.
I’m perfectly happy flying in them
And liking everything around me.
Flower petals are turning in a dream,
And angels are singing since morning.
And stars light sends us its stream
Shining, reflecting tonight and owing.
Moisha is right : everything is of God.
Jesus is right : Love will save.
Muhammad is right : the origin is unique.
And Buddha is also right : everywhere is God.
And everything is nothing, only a dream.
Where is God, where did he go from me?
One betrayed me who fell in love with me.
And my soul disappeared to be always free.
Entering your many dimensions
I like to dissolve inside You.
And your Truth, Light, Good, Love
Help me to take my wings over vile crews.
I’m full by love with you
In the passion for mutual satisfaction.
And when you were named a tutor
I was your best pupil.
(Neo-Platonists’ Dialogue)
Walking through the Moscow Izmailovo Park friends Albert and Michel were often discussing on eternal themes of wisdom, love, soul, unity, truth, natural law, justice, light, space-time, numbers, eternity etc. One day Michel asked Albert to discuss about Pythagoras in more detailed form.
M. When we were discussing on soul, unity and PARMENIDES you often remembered Pythagoras as the great Egyptian-Greek hierophant, the highest priest of wisdom.
Perhaps, now is time for a discussion about him and his ideas and life.
A. D’accord. Let’s begin since beginning of Pythagorean mind. How do you think about a number? What is the unit, what is the one?
M. I have read several books, which cover this theme. And the only thing I remember is I didn’t like their answers. Modern authors of such books do not, most probably, aware main basics of mathematics, and they use only metaphysical explanations.
From my point of view, the number is the first and easiest step to apprehend internal formal-logical world. According to my current level of knowledge, I accept the One as axiom and simplest brick of that world. I am eager to comprehend to things:
1. to explore formal-logical world as much as possible.
2. How that world controls our lives, in personal and cosmic scale.
Why we need to know the simplest brick in "One"?
A. Michel, I was supposing you’ll reply by Parmenides phrases because we understood that the unit as the unity is indefinite, indefinable, beyond the human comprehension , inexplicable , unimaginable, inexpressible for human mind and consciousness one is too difficult for cognition. Remember, please, when a schoolchild solving an arithmetic task with vulgar fraction understands with great difficulty how is it possible to accept different things as a field, work etc. as the one, as the unit. And only after verification he was agreed to accept any thing for the unit. Therefore, we agree to accept the unit for practice, we accept as an axiom, but we never understand it! As Plato following later Pythagoras and Parmenides said it’s necessary to be the very wise to understand what is the unit. It’s enough.
Now my next question: How can we obtain two from the unit? How and where Plato said about it? Why we can include ourselves into the unit and exclude from the unit simultaneously?
M. It’s truly, we cannot include the unit outside an axiomatic system. And we can obtain nothing
doing not postulate some rules or essence in addition to the unit. There are same foundations both in mathematics and in physics where exist some axiomatic systems. Two thousand years ago one thought that the unique system of axioms exists in arithmetic and geometry, but Plato understood that one can add different rules to the unit: addition and division only to obtain two from the unit.
A. Certainly, Plato said it in his dialogue PHAEDO (97a,b). And only by abstract thinking and
abstract thought we are able to divide things and notions, to imagine the unit and our inclusion into and exclusion from it.
Now let’s come back to Pythagorean system. What is One? It’s the unit, therefore, God, unity, intellect, mind, wisdom. What is Two? Two is the cosmos, visible, material, of suffering.
Two is also knowledge. Three is an opinion. Four is a sensation, a feeling. Thus we obtain an hierarchy, pyramide : 1+2+3+4=10.
Pythagoras naming his doctrine "philosophy" had postulated that numbers and its proportions are the very principles , harmonies. Unity-God and his creature as nature are communicating in mathematical language where number is first principle, mean, beginning and sign. Compactification and, therefore, understanding, cognition of information on universe, mind, knowledge, on virtual, possible worlds are achieved by the only, mathematical way beginning since number. Further mathematical categories have not a number nature, then we’d come to homogeneous infinity, but all they have same abstract, compact, sign nature, generalizing essence.
The Ancient Egyptian Wisdom Book
That Amon is glorified,
He is who remains Unique.
Staying in His Unity
He doesn’t cease to keep
Millions of His forms.
Generations pass
Among peoples
And God who creates every distinction
Is hidden.
Adore God in His images
If He is represented
By a stone statue
Or a bronze one,
Or as water replacing by water.
Act for God,
He will act for you.
Pharao Kheti of Heracleopolis
To his son Merikare 2100 B.C.
If you are grand
After you have been slight,
If you are rich
After you have been poor,
Remain simple.
The first rank parvenu,
Don’t have your head turned
By success ;
You didn’t become
As a quartermaster
Of God’s benefits
Ptah Hotep
A man of humble birth
Who comports
With arrogance
Is copiously detested.
A man by noble origin
Who comports
With modesty
Is high respected.
Fifth century B.C.
Don’t inspire people with fear
Because God will fight
Against you by same one.
If someone pretends to live
By this mean
God will deprive him
Of livelihood.
When someone pretends
To enrich himself He says:
“I should like to take
these riches from you”.
If someone pretends to fight
He will be reduced to powerlessness.
Let one inspire
nobody with fear,
let one live
in lap of peace,
and let it be happen
he’ll give to all who wish
everything taken by him from them
according to frightening.
Wisdom of PtahHotep
About 2500 B.C.,
Y Dynasty
If you do good
for five hundreds people
And one among them
Recognizes it
Then it isn’t a lost thing
The Priest Ankhsheshonqy’s Instruction
Who loves his neighbour
He finds always relatives
Near him.
God allows to acquire riches
To do good
Don’t be vicious,
Self-control is beautiful ;
Create a durable monument for yourself
By Love
which you leave
Doctrine of Actoes II
About 2000 B.C.
Let you do time of your existence active
Doing more than it was told.
Don’t accuse time,
Only rule your activity.
That is a person blamed for
Who uses bad his chances.
Don’t lose the daily occasion
For the increasing
Of your home privacy.
The activity produces riches,
But which do not go on
When the activity is interrupted.
If you are a wise man
Form your son thankful to God.
If he adjusts his government in your way
And makes your business
What is due to you,
Do everything what you could do;
He is your son, being attached to you,
Who has generated your duration.
Don’t separate you heart from him.
Ptah Hotep
One doesn’t teach to recognize
The brother’s heart
When he wouldn’t like to appeal to it
In his poverty.
Be good in your heart so long
As you live.
Ptah Hotep’s Wisdom
Don’t worry about tomorrow
At your night.
When tomorrow will come
What’ll happen by it ?
A wise word is more hidden
Than the emerald is.
Incidentally one finds it
Among humble workers
Threshing grain.
The Priss of Avesnes Paryrus 2400 B.C.
The art has no limits,
And any artist has no perfection
Ptah Hotep
Best regards to you who are in this hall,
Who are got rid of lie
by their essence,
who live as a just, righteous one!
Well, I came to you
Without sins, without offenses,
Without dirt, without accuser,
Without one
Against whom I have wreaked my fury..
I have given bread to hungry person,
Water to thirsting for it,
Clothes to nude persons,
A boat to them who had no it.
And I made divine sacrifices for gods and funeral offerings
For saints.
Well, save me, protege me,
Don’t bring rapport against me
Before Grand God.
I have come here
To testify to truth,
To show a balance
In its exact position
Oh, who is high lauded to the skies
Whom one has given the name
Of Master of Breathes,
Save me from your messengers,
Initiators of sanctions,
Who are without indulgence;
Because I practise justice
For Master of Justice.
I’m pure,
My upper limbs
are purified ,
my lower limbs
are purified,
my trunk has been
in the fountain of Justice.
The ancient Egyptian Prayer
Follow after whom is ignored
As after scientist.
Ptah Hotep
Return twice bread
What your mother has given you.
Carry her as she carried you.
Ani’s Maxims
About 1300 BC.
Death is before me today,
As the healing of a disease,
As the saving
from a torment.
Death is before me today,
As the myrrh’s smell,
As a rest under a tent
a great windy day.
Death is before me today,
as the lotus flower smell,
As a halt in rivers
of intoxication.
Death is before me today,
As a way after raining,
As a home return
After a long war.
Death is before me today,
As a clearing sky
From clouds,
As a desire to have an inaccessible thing.
Death is before me today,
As thirst to look at home
After long time spent in captivity.
Extract of Dialogue between a Tired of life man and his soul,
About 1300 BC.
Everybody continues to subsist
After he has entered haven of Death,
And his actions are near him there.
The Pharao Kheti’s Doctrine
About 2000 BC.
Turn a day into
Forget every Evil,
Enjoy happiness
Till one day
you’ll put in to the shore
Where eternal rest is liked.
The Harpist’s Song
On the NeferHotep Tomb,
I have created four winds,
- Re signs -
for that everyone could breathe
as his brother;
great water
for that the poor could use it
like his landlord;
I have created every man
like his brother;
I have banned
People would commit lawlessness.
But their hearts have destroyed
What I have prescribed for them.
Text on the XII Dynasty Sarcophagus
About 1900 BC.